The Waymap App Explained
Waymap’s app is powered by new AI-based positioning algorithms that remove the need for GPS, BlueTooth, WiFi and even Mobile Data. We call this SmartStepTM

Phone sensors deliver information 100x/second.
SmartStep™ uses the raw data from the phone's accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and barometer. This data is fused using particle filtration, to deliver location and heading every second. Raw, unstructured data, is transformed using AI into the user's step length and direction.

"Context validator" does Map Matching.
The user's location is constantly verified against features in the map. Walls, height change, doorways and other definite features of the map provide SmartStep™ with location "truth" points. This corrects for any statistical drift. Map matching is essential for maintaining accuracy across long journeys.

The app's routing layer establishes the user’s path
The app generates the user's most efficient point from A to B, taking into account specific needs like step-free routing. Instructions are automatically constructed, based on the user's preferred style, and delivered step-by-step as the user navigates.

Visual Positioning as a secondary system
Waymap uses the camera on the phone, and machine learning techniques, to work out to centimetre-level accuracy, where the user is starting their journey when indoor. This is our proprietary Visual Positioning System (VPS).

SmartStep™ is an advanced data fusion algorithm:
SmartStep™ doesn't require any other sources of location information:
How Waymap Uses Lidar to Scan a Venue
WayMap Will Work Anywhere
All we need is a map.

Conference Venues
Getting around large conference venues and finding specific booths is no longer a problem.

Office Buildings
Make your office space a leader in ESG, accessible to all employees and visitors.

Fulfil your accessibility requirements with an app which takes users right to their room.

Public Libraries
Fulfil your accessibility requirements with an app that gets users to a specific section.

Theatres and Concert Venues
Get fans right to their seat. Manage flow and direct attendees to all food and beverage locations.

Allow visitors to browse all exhibits, and generate their own Waymap-powered tours through your space.

University Campuses
Enhance the experience for new students and improve accessibility and student safety.

Ensure all passengers can browse retail stores and find their own way to the gate on time.

Sports Stadia
Get fans right to their seat. Manage flow and direct attendees to all food and beverage locations.

Users find their way around easily and browse the directory without kiosks or extra staff

Indoor navigation means less appointments missed. Replace outdated physical wayfinding tools.

Train Stations
Fulfil your accessibility requirements with an app which takes users right to the platform.
What Our Users Say

Evelyn Valdez
Even when I am underground, I am good, because Waymap doesn't need signal to function

I have my faith in that app because I know that it’s going to get me to where I’ve got to go

Brian Bushway
It's going to make it so much less daunting, to want to pick up my cane and start travelling out into new places, because somebody has already trailblazed the map in front of me!